Green Frame DRAFT


This Project mainly focuses on designing a building system where the primary structure is exposed and spans through the length of the site while separating into 3 main bodies. The space frame construction introduces a new usable space that is embedded and one with the structure. The 10 feet by 10 feet grid of the space frame leaves room to be occupied in programming. Parts of the circulation including vertical circulation starts bleeding into the structural elements and stairs are positioned within the space frame. This way the thickness of the structure is not only functional in the sense of structural integrity but it also functions as a staircase holder. This aims to bring the user closer to the structural members and makes it a very self-expressive open structure. Greenery is also introduced to this steel rod grid by placing transparent pods that hold earth and plant which wrap around the building. This way greenery appears to be continuous and a key concept of the design. Considering the context of the site, assigning the structure a function of irrigation of plants and a means of growing plants filled the need for a green space/ park. This theme consists throughout the structure by the usage of a park area on each floor including the rooftop garden. Additionally, to respect the nature of the site, the spaceframe slopes down on different parts to adjust to the height of surrounding buildings, which enable unique spaces meanwhile not disturbing the silhouette of the surrounding. The modular nature of the project makes it very easy to manage and maintain in terms of structural maintenance. All the isolation panels, glazing panels, and ventilation channels are modular and fit within the grid of the structure. They can be easily accessed and the construction will be more efficient with repeating units. This overall should lower the cost of manufacturing and help to speed up the process of assembly.

Formal Analysis

Formal Analysis


In order to determine the silhouette of the recreational center, the building was divided into 3 sections that corresponded to the programs it holds. The roof lines were sloped down according to context in order to provide a smooth transition within the lots placement. The middle part roof was designated as a roof garden and sloped down in order to face the neighborhood park, in order to create a continuous green view.

Program Diagram

Program Diagram


The layout of the Program is shown. Each floor has a designated green area in order to create a continuous park that runs throughout the truss structure

Floor 1

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 3

GF Detail.jpg
Short Sections

Short Sections

